30 Day Money Back


To be sure that you're happy with your purchase

Fast Delivery

Because we all hate waiting for our packages

100% Quality

Only high quality natural materials used in the process

A Silky Smoov Story

ONCE upon a time in the not so distant past, was a high performing sales agent who had the best sales numbers in his company.

He was great at giving presentations to his clients and easily gained their trust because his level of confidence and smile put them at ease. Everything was going great for him until one afternoon when he was giving a presentation and as he spoke his lips began to crack and bleed. He lost his confidence and fumbled the rest of the presentation and lost the client.

The trouble was that he had a skin condition that caused his skin to dry out rather quickly. He usually had a popular branded lip balm with him all the time but he still had to reapply it once or twice an hour because the effects wouldn’t last. This skin condition was now messing with his performance and his money so he needed a solution that worked. He needed something that would keep his lips hydrated even if he had a forgetful morning.

He researched the best quality natural skin hydrators and tried different formulas until one day Silky Smoov was born. Now he can go a whole day without worrying about getting chapped lips and he’s now back on track with his sales goals.

Your lips are your personal postal service

Who you are is all in the way that you express yourself. Your message is your precious cargo and your lips are your delivery system.

Lips deliver some of your most important messages and a message is best received without distractions. Silky Smoov was founded to keep your lips naturally healthy and smooth so that focus can be kept on your message.

Our lips are often the first thing people notice when they see us. We use our lips when we talk, smile and smooch. But who wants to kiss dry, chapped lips?

The thin layer of skin on our lips is the most sensitive on our body, so we have to take extra care of it but sometimes the weather can be against us.

Our skin is natural so it only makes sense to use a natural product.

Some things are just out of our control but your lip treatment isn't one of them.

Silky Smoov has you covered!

100% Natural/Chemical Free

Instantly soothes and moisturizes

Long lasting

Passes the full day pocket test

We only use natural essential ingredients and that helps with limiting the melting.

Only The Goodness

Natural Shea Butter

100% Organic Pure Bees wax 

Cold Pressed Coconut Oil

Shea Butter

Sourced directly from shea nuts from Shea trees in Ghana. The nut fat used to make shea butter is a natural powerhouse that helps reduce redness, improves the skin’s ability to heal and promotes collagen production.


Beeswax has many benefits that are great for the skin. This responsibly sourced wax promotes cell reconstruction to keep new healthy skin growing and provides a layer against environmental pollutants to protect skin.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a great moisturizer that slows the skin’s moisture evaporation to keep skin soft and free from chapped lips. It also instantly soothes skin when skin is already ravaged by the environment.



Ultra Smoov Lips

Thank you for visiting our Silky Smoov!

1 First Street, Suite 220

The Admiral Building

Collingwood, Ontario

L9Y 1A1

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